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Saturday, August 17, 2013


This course of Understanding the Impact of Technology on Education, Work and Society has identified that the 21st Century skills are essential in helping students to learn. Its focus is mainly on how to integrate technology within the classrooms of today. As we recognize the changes that our schools are confronted with, the present day budget pressures will subside, but the long term commitment for 21st Century learning will not.
I have deepened my knowledge of teaching along with the learning process of technology being integrated within the classroom as to the fact that students need to be able to learn academic content through real world models, functions and happenings both inside and outside of school. Students comprehend and absorb more when their learning is consistent, interesting and meaningful to their lives, because their learning goes beyond the four classroom walls (Partnership for 21st Century Skills, n.d.).
            Technology has grown over the years and being able to keep up with its growth, will be a
successful tool within the classroom. Technology has an unique way of promoting learning. Therefore, being able to keep up with the vast changes of education, and the tools used to do so, it will be very beneficial in seeing growth in learning (Minsokff, 2005).
            I can expand my knowledge of learning, teaching, and leading through technology with the aim to increase student achievement through transformation or changes that affects everyone.
There are numerous things to be considered when changes are to occur. In order for changes to occur, there must be a plan for short and long term goals.
Partnership for 21st Century Skills. (n.d.). A report and mile guide for 21st century skills. Washington DC: Author. Retrieved from

Minskoff, E. (2005). Teaching Reading to Struggling Learners. Brookes Publishing Company.