My Blog List

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Distance Learning: Mind Mapping

1 comment:

  1. Purpose A Blog Serves

    Blogging has many different uses within a classroom. One of the most effective ways that I have noticed is the exhibiting of homework postings, calendars, happenings and other suitable class information. The most effective purpose of blogs in schools appears when students and teachers utilize them as publishing tools. If a teacher trust in what he or she is doing and is certain in his or her tools, it scrapes off on even the most rebellious of students. As a reflective probing teacher, I must move forward in circling back and focus at how what I have done that connects into long term goals (Ganley, 2004a).

    Other benefits I believe of using a blog within the classroom, is less acceptable way of trapping the mind and affection of Kinesthetic learners. With this method, they are presented a task that deals with using their hands, and they are excited. Blogging grants the students the ability to use the computer, educating them on how to type and work with other highlights of using a computer. Anything that causes learning is fun and is a beautiful thing. Bloggers think about the world in a contrasting way because anything could become the case of the next blog.

    Ganley, B. (2004a). bgblogging:October 2004 archives. Retrieved September 25, 2005, from
