My Blog List

Monday, October 21, 2013


This course has deepened my knowledge and understanding of various learning theories. One theory that stands out is Constructivism. This theory relates to being able to learn with constructing interpretation from experience. Dr. Orey discussed how students develops an understanding of how a lesson works (Laureate Education, 2011). The influence that technology has placed on students learning is marvelous in my opinion. There  is an excitement and attitude of wanting to learn when technology is included in various lessons within the lesson plan. In helping students to gain meaningful understanding of how a lesson is administered is vital in the outcome of students' success. I now have more of a clear understanding of various learning theories from this course that will help me to develop lessons to assist my students in learning.

As I reflect, there are several adjustments to be made within my classroom when integrating technology. Utilizing more strategies in daily lessons with the implementing of engaging students in learning. Revising my lesson plans to be able to accommodate all students who are struggling with learning. One strategy specifically named is Cooperative learning which will also inspire students to learn by developing an unique relationship and perception of responsibility to each other (Pitler, Hubbell & Kuhn, 2012). The two learning technology tools that I would like to introduce to my students is Voice Thread and Smartboard. I am a firm believe that these two learning technology tools will enhance learning through creativity. If students are interested in what they are learning, then technology that is creative can be implemented in order to enhance learning.

One long term goal changes that I would make is to stay knowledgeable of the latest technology that can make a difference in the classroom. The second long term goal would be to lecture for a small frame of time and spend the majority of time demonstrating through various learning tools that will help students to learn and want to learn.


Pitler, H., Hubbell, E. R., & Kuhn, M. (2012). Using technology with classroom instruction that works (2nd ed.). Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (2011). Program seven: Constructionist and constructivist learning theories [Video webcast]. Bridging learning theory, instruction and technology. Retrieved from

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Connectivism and Social Learning in Practice

Instructional strategies that correlate with the principles of social learning theories can be associated with cooperative learning. Cooperative learning is a form of active learning where students work together to perform specific tasks in small groups (Lewis, n.d.). It is imperative to work with each small group in various strategic ways to prepare them for a vocabulary lesson in helping them to be able to read effectively. One of the benefits of cooperative learning is that the students are able to work in a team effort of completing an assigned task. Sharing a common goal allows students to learn to trust each other as they achieve more than would be possible on their own (Lewis, n.d.).

Social learning plays a major role in helping students to actively engage in collaborating with each other (Laureate Education, Inc., 2011). Cooperative learning has been shown to increase academic engagement and self-esteem, improve student attitudes toward school and decrease social segregation and loneliness. We are dwelling in a period where information and modernization are progressively worldwide. To arrange for the rapid pace, virtual environment that they will someday come into, students should be able to learn and bring about cooperatively both personally and online. The resource for this week discussed several avenues that students should become familiar with in utilizing groups in ways that improve their learning. Another strategy implemented is Multimedia. Developing a short video or animation is a complicated task that demands many roles and responsibilities. Rubrics can assist students in understanding what is required of them and how their participation will be evaluated during this process. Social learning plays a vital role in enhancing learning within the classroom (Pitler, Hubbell & Kuhn, 2012).

Pitler, H., Hubbell, E. R., & Kuhn, M. (2012). Using technology with classroom instruction that works (2nd ed.). Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Lewis, B. (n.d.). Cooperative Learning. Retrieved October 2, 2013 from

Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (2011). Program eight: Social learning theories [Video webcast]. Bridging learning theory, instruction and technology. Retrieved from

Friday, September 27, 2013

Constructivism in Practice

Instructional strategies that correlates with the principles of constructivist and constructionist learning theories relates to generating and testing hypotheses. This strategy is pertinent to every content area. When students produce test hypotheses, they are inviting in complicated psychological measures, administering content awareness like data and vocabulary and boosting overall knowledge of the content. Engaging students in an assortment of complex tasks for generating and testing hypothesis is exceptionally productive when related to greater established teaching exercises such as instructions and teacher supervised, step by step lectures. To guarantee students' accomplishments with various assignments connecting each measure, educators should begin with giving students an example for the process and use well known content to educate students with the process steps. However, generating and testing hypotheses are tremendous cognitive assignments students generally call for scaffolding initially to assist them conveniently attain such heights of understanding. Technology plays an essential part in generating and testing hypotheses because new advancements permits students to give more time understanding the data rather than gathering the data (Pitler, Hubbell & Kuhn, 2012).

As mentioned in this week's resources, constructivism theory contends with accommodation and assimilation. The attraction is on the individual's need and capability to learn, and the teacher is there to facilitate and model self directed learning. Constructionist is a learning theory where individuals acquire information when they build an external artifact or something that they can share with others (Laureate Education, Inc., 2011).


Pitler, H.,Hubbell, E. R., & Kuhn, M. (2012). Using technology with classroom instruction that works (2nd ed.). Alexandria, VA: ASCD. 

Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (2011). Program seven: Constructionist and constructivist learning theories [Video webcast]. Bridging learning theory, instruction and technology. Retrieved from

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Cognitivism in Practice

Putting cognitivism in practice through virtual field trips is significant in helping students to have a clear understanding of what they are being taught. Most students I believe are visual learners, and including pictures within a lesson does say a lot about whatever is being taught. However, the mental process has been questioned by many.

James Hartley (1998) has favorably illustrated some of the essential standards of learning connected with cognitive behaviors. As stated, learning develops from assumptions, anticipation and creating connections. Some of the standards recognized prepared with instructions being sufficiently arranged and definitely structured. Previous awareness is important. Opposing views between human being are crucial as they will influence learning. Psychological response gives tips to learners about their accomplishments or loss regarding the assignment at hand. Support can advance by ways of  giving information (Hartley, 1998). 

Using cues, questions and advance organizers at the start of instructions or group focuses on learning on the crucial fulfillment to come. They can also stimulate students by clicking into their interest and concern of the topic. Cognitivists centers on learning as the mental process acknowledges when data embarks through the senses, withstanding mental guidance, gathered and is finally disposed (Pitler, Hubbell & Kuhn, 2012).

A summary plan is really an advance organizer or group of teacher provided notes designed to assist student's attention on what is significant as they are reading or watching a video. As our son attends virtual school in the 9th grade, he has to create many power points for his language art lessons. Recently he had to prepare a report on the book " The Outsiders". He was able to pull summary notes from various websites pertaining to the book which was helpful in preparing the report. Next he took the notes and wrote them in his own words, a summary of the new information found. Being able to take notes and summarize them that will be helpful in learning is vital in preparing students for the future (Pitler, Hubbell & Kuhn, 2012).       

Every student acquire information differently. There are different approaches that an individual learns from. Specific mental characteristics are also probably to impact how the individual might satisfyingly learn. Recognition and acknowledgement of students' mental choices can help a teacher construct instructions that are compatible with these choices (Lever-Duffy & McDonald, 2008).          

After a period of time by with using cues, questions and advance organizers, the use of multimedia within instructions assist students to stay committed and on point with learning. I mostly try to do whatever it takes to keep students from becoming bored or wandering off to sleep. In class on a daily basis, students will watch a video of the alphabet assigned for the week and then be able to answer questions pertaining to the lesson taught. Using these type instructional strategies will help the students stay engaged with the lesson taught and hopefully students will retain much of the information for future use (Pitler, Hubbell & Kuhn, 2012).

Hartley, J. (1998). Learning and Studying. A research perspective, London:Routledge.
Lever-Duffy, J., & McDonald, J. (2008). Theoretical foundations (Laureate Education, Inc., custom ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Pitler, H., Hubbell, E. R., & Kuhn, M. (2012). Using technology with classroom instruction that works (2nd ed.). Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Behaviorism in Practice

There are several strategies that apply to the principles of behavior. When a student takes home outstanding work that was done in the classroom on a given day, we as parents often praise them for a job well done and as a part of reinforcement, their achievement is posted on the refrigerator for everyone in the home to see and celebrate. This a good way of commonly identifying a student based on personal accomplishment. Technology supports an approach to take this identification to the next position. Inserting excellent student achievement on the Internet initiates chances for acknowledgement from classmates, peers, educators and family members from across the world. Presenting a student a personalized document to honor high valued achievement is a definite way to make the student feel acknowledged and stimulated for further success (Pitler, Hubbell & Kuhn, 2012).
            According to Behaviorists, awards decide the possibility of the behavior replaying. Educating is actually a quiet process. One learns as a reaction to the learning environment, not automatically because of any particular psychological activity (Duffy & McDonald, 2008). The strategies of reinforcing effort, providing recognition, assigning homework and providing practice are all correlated to possibly what is rightly known as operant conditioning. This is reinforcing what you desire individuals to achieve again or avoiding or chastise what you desire individuals to stop doing.
            In conclusion, educating by performance is to be complimented. Educating is aided when goals are understandable. Those who hold to behaviorism in educating will mainly build their actions by behavioral goals. Constant practice is essential for learning to take place (Hartley, 1998).

Hartley, J. (1998). Learning and Studying. A research perspective, London:Routledge.
Smith, K. (1999). The behaviorist orientation to learning. In The encyclopedia of informal
            education. Retrieved from

Lever-Duffy, J., & McDonald, J. (2008). Theoretical foundations (Laureate Education, Inc., custom ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Pitler, H., Hubbell, E. R., & Kuhn, M. (2012). Using technology with classroom instruction that works (2nd ed.). Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Saturday, August 17, 2013


This course of Understanding the Impact of Technology on Education, Work and Society has identified that the 21st Century skills are essential in helping students to learn. Its focus is mainly on how to integrate technology within the classrooms of today. As we recognize the changes that our schools are confronted with, the present day budget pressures will subside, but the long term commitment for 21st Century learning will not.
I have deepened my knowledge of teaching along with the learning process of technology being integrated within the classroom as to the fact that students need to be able to learn academic content through real world models, functions and happenings both inside and outside of school. Students comprehend and absorb more when their learning is consistent, interesting and meaningful to their lives, because their learning goes beyond the four classroom walls (Partnership for 21st Century Skills, n.d.).
            Technology has grown over the years and being able to keep up with its growth, will be a
successful tool within the classroom. Technology has an unique way of promoting learning. Therefore, being able to keep up with the vast changes of education, and the tools used to do so, it will be very beneficial in seeing growth in learning (Minsokff, 2005).
            I can expand my knowledge of learning, teaching, and leading through technology with the aim to increase student achievement through transformation or changes that affects everyone.
There are numerous things to be considered when changes are to occur. In order for changes to occur, there must be a plan for short and long term goals.
Partnership for 21st Century Skills. (n.d.). A report and mile guide for 21st century skills. Washington DC: Author. Retrieved from

Minskoff, E. (2005). Teaching Reading to Struggling Learners. Brookes Publishing Company.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Partnership for 21st Century Skills

As I scrolled through the website topic named, "Partnership for 21st Century Skills", its main focus is discussing how to intergrate technology within the classrooms in this 21st century era. Twenty first century standards, assessments, curriculum, instruction, professional development and learning environments need to be arranged in order to create a support structure that generates 21st Century effects for today's students.

The information that surprised me on this website was the topic of "Competition beats Collaboration". There is an extensive acceptance specifically in the business and high tech manufactories that inside controversy fosters change. In the survey conducted, creativity takes a clash when people in a work group battle instead of collaborate. The best creative teams are those that have the confidence to portion and discuss ideas. However, when people compete for identification, they halt sharing data. This method becomes devastating because nobody in an assembly has all of the information needed to put all the pieces of the puzzle together.

Again, I disagree with the fact that competition beats collaboration. Collaborating has been around for a long length of time. It has helped to bring various ideas from others when making a decision as to solving a matter. The more input, the better the outcome is what I believe.

The implication for my students based on this website would  be to help each student implement technology within their learning environment in a way that prepares them for them for the 21st Century!


Partnership for 21st Century Skills. (n.d.). A report and mile guide for 21st century skills. Washington DC: Author. Retrieved from

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Purpose A Blog Serves

Blogging has many different uses within a classroom. One of the most effective ways that I have noticed is the exhibiting of homework postings, calendars, happenings and other suitable class information. The most effective purpose of blogs in schools appears when students and teachers utilize them as publishing tools. If a teacher trust in what he or she is doing and is certain in his or her tools, it scrapes off on even the most rebellious of students. As a reflective probing teacher, I must move forward in circling back and focus at how what I have done that connects into long term goals (Ganley, 2004a).

Other benefits I believe of using a blog within the classroom, is less acceptable way of trapping the mind and affection of Kinesthetic learners. With this method, they are presented a task that deals with using their hands, and they are excited. Blogging grants the students the ability to use the computer, educating them on how to type and work with other highlights of using a computer. Anything that causes learning is fun and is a beautiful thing. Bloggers think about the world in a contrasting way because anything could become the case of the next blog.

Ganley, B. (2004a). bgblogging:October 2004 archives. Retrieved September 25, 2005, from